Zona Comercial Tranvía includes new shops in its offer

Zona Comercial Tranvía keeps on visiting the new shops that acceded to this project of Tenerife Insland Government. In this case, the shops were Ópticas Milenio, Herbolario Naturaleza Sana and Arual FH, which offer discounts and promotions to the users of Tarjeta Club Tranvía.

Efraín Medina, vice-president of Tenerife Island Government, visited the three shops that are near the tram stop Weyler.

Tarjeta Club Tranvía can be downloaded with the app Vía-Móvil, external link www.via-movil.es, and also it is possible ask for it in the commercial offices of Metrotenerife.

Visita de Efraín Medina a la tiende Ópticas Milenio

Visita de Efraín Medina a Herbolario Naturaleza Sana

Visita de Efraín Medina a Arual FH